Galerija slik ... klikni TUKAJ!
17. junij 2017 ob 10:00
Leto je naokrog in zopet se bliža praznik šoferjev in vas vabimo na že 6. TRUCK SHOW MITING, ki bo v soboto 17.6.2017 s pričetkom ob 10.00 uri v Športnem parku v Črenšovcih.
Namen srečanja je predvsem družabne narave, zato smo povabili in pričakujemo tudi šoferje in ljubitelje kamionov iz sosednjih držav. Lansko leto se je udeležilo dogodka prek 1500 obiskovalcev z cele Slovenije, tudi iz Avstrije, Hrvaške in Madžarske, letos jih še pričakujemo več!
Da pa bo ves dogodek čim bolj zabaven in atraktiven, pripravljamo tudi igre povezane s šoferskim poklicem in kamioni, pranje kamiona, poskrbljeno bo seveda tudi za jedačo in pijačo ter za glasbeni program in kako presenečenje. Zjutraj naslednji dan, že tradicionalen šoferski zajtrk!
Zaželjene so prijave za srečanje, ki jih zbiramo do 14.06.2017 na e-mail Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate. ali na 041 751 898 (Robert Špilak), kamor lahko pokličete tudi za vsa dodatna vprašanja in pojasnila.
Dogodek bo letos za vozila brez konzumacije!
Zloščite vaše jeklene bizone in se nam pridružite na nepozabnem dnevu, namenjenemu samo vam!
Šoferski pozdrav,
Organizacijski odbor
Dear friends,
Upon the initiative of some truck drivers and the success of the last years event, we are again organising the 6. TRUCK SHOW MITING. It will take place on the 17.6.2017 in the Sport Center in Črenšovci.
Črenšovci is a small village 21 km from Hungarian border, 40 km from Austrian border and 20 km from Croatian border.
The meeting is primarily of social nature; therefore we would like to host also drivers and truck enthusiasts from neighboring countries, like Austria, Hungary and Croatia.
To make the entire event more fun and interesting, we are also preparing some entertaining program, starting at 12.00 am, whilst the gathering of the participantes will start from 10.00 am onwards.
• The participants will measure their skills and strength in some funny games and competitions related to the truck driver profession
• For good mood there will be some music groups performing
• And least but not least; we will provide for good food and drinks!
• All well documented with a DVD with the photos of the meeting, that will receive each participant. This Year free entry for trucks!
Application deadline is the 14.6.2017!
For more information and applications, please send confirmation e-mail to Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate. or you can contact Robert Špilak +386 41 751 898.
Dear friends, take some time off, get your truck and come and join us! The more the merrier!
Greetings, hopefully see you soon!
Organising board